The Parent Learning Community
Fostering a community of educators, beginning with parents
The conceptual understanding of bringing in the larger community, especially the parents, to help each student to learn and see themselves as successful college students is at the heart of this effort, which supports one of the main mutual goals of the project. Communication about school and learning are paramount to helping students gain a greater conceptualization of their future.
At the beginning of the pilot year (fall 2007), we invited about 30 families (parents) to hear a presentation on how to increase their students' interest in learning and the importance of science and engineering education to their children’s future. About half the group decided to help us launch a Parent Learning Community (PLC), which is based on the premise that learning is a life-long process. Members themselves are lifelong learners, and are interested in finding new ways to help their children achieve in school, and to see themselves as future college students.
The PLC, which meets once per month during the school year, provides opportunities for parents and the community to work with career counselors and visionary speakers from UM CoE and others as appropriate. The joint venture was based on the Professional Learning Communities format.
The PLC held its first meeting in the fall of 2007 (See Agenda).
Each month, the group, which included both parents and their students, met and addressed a series of topics. These included
o Summer Opportunities for Students, Part I and Part II
o The use of the Educational Development Plan and How to Navigate the Internet, Research on Internet Use, and "Wade the Web"
o A NSBE-sponsored TORCH program for College Readiness and Standardized Test (ACT, SAT) Preparation
o And a final meeting featured a field trip to the College campus.
Although other protocols were used, the "Learning from Speakers" proved the most popular. Because of the success of the first year's activities, and the enthusiastic response of both parents and their children, the District is now offering to expand the PLC to other schools throughout the District. To read more about the PLC, its upcoming 2008-9 agenda, and view photos and review supporting documentation, visit the PLC Blog.
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